Yah..akhirnya konser JYJ tgl. 9 April 2011 nanti di SICC dibatalkan. Ini surat resmi pihak C-JeS Entertainment.

Hello, this is C-JeS Entertainment.
JYJ’s World Tour Indonesia Concert has been canceled.
On the 26th, C-Jes Entertainment formally informed the Indonesia promoter our decision to cancel. We have continuously warned the Indonesian promoter of their continued failure to abide by the contract, and because the promoter failed to correct themselves even after [the warning], we have unfortunately decided to cancel since they would be unable to hold the concert smoothly.
We tried our best to not cancel because of the numerous fans waiting in the area, but after considering the dangerous possibility of there being damage to JYJ’s image, we have regrettably made our final decision to cancel.
Furthermore, in regards to the Singapore concert, because we are in the process of changing the original promoter and consulting with the people in the area, please wait for the final confirmation from C-JeS Entertainment.
The only country canceled in JYJ’s World Tour is Indonesia, and we will give further notice about changes and additions to areas holding the World Tour.
Thank You.
- Translation credits to withJYJ
Katanya sih, pihak promotor gagal mematuhi kontrak. Akhirnya mereka mau tidak mau harus membatalkan konser demi menjaga image JYJ.
Sedihnya lagi, sepertinya hanya konser di Indonesia yang dibatalkan. Sedangkan yang di Singapore sepertinya hanya ditunda sampai mereka dapat promotor baru.
Kalau menurut pihak promotor sih, ada biaya mendadak yang diminta pihak manajemen diluar kontrak. (source detikhot)
Aku ngga beli tiket sih, cuma ikut sedih aja. Apalagi buat fans yang sudah menanti dari sejak lama. Tiketnya lumayan mahal, range dari 500 ribu - 2,5 juta.
Aku rasa sih pihak promotor sudah berusaha melakukan yang terbaik demi fans JYJ, memang tidak mudah mendatangkan grup musik asing ke sini.
Semoga pengembalian uang tiket-nya lancar dan untuk fans JYJ jangan patah semangat, cheer up guys!! maybe next time, hwaiting!!
ReplyDeletegmna nanti pas sukkie juga mau ke indo?? hiks hiks sediiihh :(
jeje gak datang semoga pas MR Jang ke ido di gak kayak gini><<3
aku harap semuanya dapat terus semangat dan berpikir positif...